All East Kent Community Services
Before your practice can sign-up, we will need the following information:
- Full company details to appear on the contract
- Name and GOC numbers of all participating optometrists
- Practice bank details
- Practice NHS email address
and the following paperwork:
- Copy of the practice insurance indemnity certificates
- Completed Quality in Optometry checklists relating to practices subcontracting to a Primary Eyecare Company (PEC). to access this, please click here to go to the Quality in Optometry website, click on NHS Contracts, and then use the drop-down box on the bottom left-hand side to click on ‘Subcontractor Practice (subcontracting from a Primary Eyecare Company)’. Then complete all three checklists – General Conditions, Service Conditions and Information Governance.
- Completed Infection Control Audit (found under the Audit tab on the Quality of Optometry website home page).
- Quality in Optometry GOS Contract checklists.